We offer our weekly Prepped for Prep Program that caters for children aged three to five to learn and grow in a safe and nurturing environment. We take great pride in identifying the unique needs of each child as they begin their primary education, and our program has been designed with this in mind. Our approach to teaching is unique because we combine educational and social work theoretical practices to holistically meet the needs of young people. Our experience has shown us that young children require support in several key areas to ensure they are ready for school. These areas include anxiety and mental health well-being, social skills, problem-solving and logical thinking, letter and sound recognition, understanding numbers and patterning, as well as fine and gross motor skills. Initially, assessments on all of these areas will be provided. This diagnostic, and ongoing data will tailor the program to the specific needs of your child. We value clear communication and collaboration, and look forward to walking beside our families as they begin their educational journey.